Who We Are

International Christian Association

ICA is an organisation ordained by God to function as a fellowship with the aim of unifying the Christian body to speak about the Kingdom of God in one voice under the leadership of Prophet Olotu. ICA is a inter-denominational organisation ready to teach the principles of God to all by the grace of God.


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To form a fellowship that enhances the teaching of the Kingdom and not a church.
To let the world, know the strategies of the devil and power of darkness against humanity.
To teach on the leading of the Holy Spirit and to be a successful believer.
To create environment for spiritual enrichment & empowerment (Bi-annual retreat and weekly fellowship, Water & Holy Ghost baptism etc.)
To propagate the gospel through various media.
To teach heavenly doctrine requirement.
To deliver and set people free from bondage of the strongman through sound word of God and prayer.
To engage in pastoral care and visits.
To provide counselling.
To let the world, know the strategies of the devil and power of darkness against humanity.

Our Mission

The mission of International Christian Association (ICA) is to preach and teach the Narrow Gate message in meeting the various needs of the people spiritually, materially and emotionally.

Our Vission

Bringing people to the knowledge of the kingdom of Heaven and the requirement for entering heaven.

We Partner With

Partner with Christian Concern
Partner with Water Aid
Partner with UNICEF
Partner with
National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS)Outreach support to a ministry in Venezuela